How to Heal Deep Cracked Heels?
Cracked heels, also known as fissures, are common foot problems that can be uncomfortable or painful. When the skin on the bottom of your heel becomes dry and firm, it might crack. Additionally, the skin could start to flake or crust over. Cracks or fissures may appear when the skin becomes extremely dry. Most people don't take having cracked heels seriously. Cracks in the heels can sometimes go very deep and be painful.
What are the Symptoms of a Cracked Heel?
The formation of dry, hard, thicker skin around the rim of the heel is the first sign of a cracked heel. A callus is a discolored spot of skin that might be yellow or dark brown. Tiny cracks appear over the callus at first. If left untreated, these fissures will get deeper as more pressure is applied to the heel, making walking and standing unpleasant. The fractures may become so deep that they bleed. Deep ulcers (open sores) caused by heel fissures can also become infected and result in cellulitis (a painful skin infection).
What Causes Cracked Heels?
The first indicator of cracked heels is the presence of calluses, or regions of dry, thicker skin around the rim of your heel. The skin on the fat pad under the heel extends sideways when weight and pressure are applied. Dehydrated skin becomes rigid, less elastic, and more prone to cracking.
Other causes of cracked heels include:
- Standing for long periods,
- Walking around barefoot or in open-back sandals,
- Imbalance of some vitamins and minerals
- Shoes that do not fit or support your heels
- Climate-related dry skin, such as cold temperatures or low humidity
- Taking long, hot showers and using harsh soaps that can deplete natural oils from your skin
How to Prevent Deeply Cracked Heels?
Bathe and shower for 5-10 minutes. Bathing for a long time can cause the skin to dry out, exacerbating dry, cracked heels. When blotting your skin dry with a towel, be careful as the skin might be soft and sensitive.
Use a pumice stone at least once a week to smooth the skin on your heels. It helps to remove flaky, dry skin from your heels. When scraping and cutting skin, razors and scissors should be avoided. Diabetes and anyone with neuropathy should avoid using pumice stones and instead visit a dermatologist or podiatrist.
Apply a heavy moisturizer. The best way to cure cracked heels is to prevent them from happening in the first place. Moisturize your feet at least twice a day, and regularly massage the heels with a moisturizing cream to keep the skin supple and nourished. Care Heel Cream helps to hydrate, preserve, and prevent & keep the heels looking youthful and healthy. It contains Vitamin E, Grape Seed Oil, Mineral Oil, and Zinc Oxide, as well as 19 additional ingredients that help keep the heels moisturized.
Wear appropriate footwear, your footwear matters. If you have cracked heels, look for shoes that fit correctly and support your heels. Wear shoes with a solid, wide heel that supports and cushions your heels whenever feasible. Cotton socks worn with shoes may also prevent friction. They can also absorb sweat and moisture, allowing the skin to breathe and preventing it from drying out.
Use a liquid bandage to cover the broken skin. These could act as a barrier over the fractures, lessen discomfort, keep dirt and viruses out of the wounds, and promote quicker healing.
Other Treatments:
- Avoid walking barefoot on hard surfaces
- Wear shoes with protected heel cups
- Exfoliate regularly
- Use a fragrance-free, mild cleanser
- Keep your feet safe from high temperatures
- Apply plain petroleum jelly before going to bed